
Professor Sorin Mărculescu reconsiders Ţițeica’s papers on quantum electrodynamics

One of Şerban Țițeica’s former younger collaborators, Professor Sorin Mărculescu, published recently an analysis of magister’s papers on quantum electrodynamics. The abstract of this paper is reproduced here:

A short presentation of Ţițeica’s papers on positron theory
Rom. Rep. Phys. 73, 107 (2021)

Abstract. We present the computation of the elementary solutions of the Dirac equation, in the sense of Hadamard, and the subsequent evaluation of the vacuum polarization, worked out by Țițeica, in four papers, published in the early forties of the previous century. Even if the quantum electrodynamics has chosen, about ten years later, a different evolution, Țițeica’s papers, which produced results confirmed by subsequent researches, remain valuable and interesting, from a historical perspective.

For the English translation of Ţițeica’s papers on this subject, please refer to another entry of this website.