
Horia Hulubei in media: a study of political harassment in Romanian early post-WWII physics

As a scholar with long stages in Western laboratories, Horia Hulubei was confronted with harassment and pressure from sycophants supported by political police (Securitate) of the communist regime in the post-WWII Romanian Socialist Republic; actually, any connection with Western institutions, even the purely scientific ones, were used as a pretext for persecution, sometimes very severe, of undesirable person. An episode of this dangerous game, affecting Hulubei’s activity and position, is described in a recent study, authored by Dr. Petre Opriş, issued on ‘’ platform:

Conspiraţii interne şi delaţiunea lui Aurel Potop, director al Secţiei de Căldură din Institutul de Fizică al Academiei Române (1954-1955)